Hello to all,
my name is mickyboys and i work with Maya for 8 years. Normally i render out my Cars with HDRI, but now i will working on my Skills for Studio render without HDRI. The Holy Grail i think!!!:buttrock:
This is are Studiorenders in Maya with MR and FG. But i think the Reflections and materials are not so good. In CG-cars.com are the best of the best people, and i think many many people can perhaps help me!
hey man, the car looks really cool, but the render need more work, IMO materials, reflections and lighting, and maybe post some clays and wire to see better the model
Here 2 clay (or better Occlusion) Renders!
Thanks for all comments! What do you mean with wrong position of the calipers? a little big to small, to big or move back inside the wheel? And indicators wrong Color, a little bit darker?Or mean you the material is not good (plastic)?
hello, so i hope i fix this problems with the caliper and the indicators!
At the moment i have no idea what i will make with the reflections on the car.
i have 3 planes with self illuminated (ambient ). top, side, and front of the car.
yea that what he means honestly the car paint looks great but the scene needs some more lighting so some places can be visible.
yes, and the lighting is at the moment my problem! The Holy Grail!!! :buttrock:
on the car reflection i can see the end of the underground and the edges of my lightplanes. But i can not fix this.With the Render options on the planes i make invisible, but you can see the edges on the car. I tested and tested, but i have no plane, no idea :scream:
is there a setting somewhere to make planes invisible to camera and disable casting shadows? in max that's what i'd do. i figure there's some equiv in maya but don't know it offhand.
is there a setting somewhere to make planes invisible to camera and disable casting shadows? in max that's what i'd do. i figure there's some equiv in maya but don't know it offhand.
yes, i have this settings. but with this settings i have no different.
where's younglion when we need him? the shadow setting will only affect the background (not technically but still..). that's why people use gradient ramps with light materials of some sort plugged in. the fade to black diminishes the effect of the plane.